Nail art combines design and style in an arts way to give a pretty look to your manicured tips. Get your nails done with easy tutorials which you can follow at your home. Bring a couple of cheap and simple materials which when combined give out great designs. All you need is some creativity and patience to allow drying of nail paint. While this art form is easy it is not at all very time consuming as nail polish takes hardly any time to dry out completely.
Try out this fascinating nail art on your tips and see the best results of a stylish design. Depicting the fruit pineapple this nail art is easy to do it at home. All you need is couple of pineapple colored nail polish which includes yellow, green, brown and white.
Paint your nails yellow first. Let it completely dry. Then add crossed lines design with white and brown nail paint. Add dots as shown in these pictures and finish by drawing leafy structures at the tip with a thin brush to get the look of a pineapple.