The idea with this technique is to make one ponytail inside of another. This idea is so simple and your Ponytail looks like very heavy. Here we shown you the Steps to make this ponytail easily.
1. Use a tail comb to make your first ponytail. This first ponytail should follow the shape of your hairline, but should be a couple inches back as shown in picture.
2. Take the fine side of your comb and work out any little bumps. It’s okay if you drag the bumps up to the ponytail holder because they’ll be covered by your next ponytail.
3. Once you smooth out the inner ponytail, you should have something that looks like this.
4. Next, gather all of the hair from the outer section. Start brushing it with a soft-bristled smoothing brush like the one you see above.
Continue gathering and smoothing until you feel like your ponytail is lump-free.
5. Now put your second ponytail holder in.
6. Spray a strong holding hairspray directly on to your smoothing brush.Use that to smooth down any fly aways. By doing this you will get less hairspray on your face/skin (which can clog your pores!).
7. Now attach your ponytail extension. and you are done with High Ponytail With Lots Of Volume.