Summer is one of the worst seasons for your lips.The skin and lips can get chapped, dried out, and can even peel. But if you know how to take care of them properly, they can be so soft.Create your own honey lip balm featuring moisturizing Vaseline,Coconut Oil,Blush or Eyeshdow for colors.This recipe for homemade lip gloss,and balms will keep your lips so soft.Hey guys! Today we have a super cute and easy lip gloss recipe Tutorial.
Take no time at all. The good thing about making it by yourself is that you can add any flavor of your choice, even colors or sensations. With just a few simple ingredients, you can make your own moisturizing lip balm in under 5 minutes. You can also add a Blush or Eyeshdow for color. After seen this Tutorial, you’ll never go back to buying name brand lip balm again.Follow these simple steps:
The ingredients are:-
-Coconut Oil
-Blush or Eyeshdow for colors
-A container
1. Take a container.
2. Mix the vaseline with the coconut oil then add some color either with the blush or the eyeshadow of your choice.
3. Mix everything well and leave it in the fridge until it takes its form.
4. You are done with the Healing Homemade Lip Balm.