Natural Recipe For Red & Soft Lips

You can make your Lips soft and Red using this recipe which is simple and can be made by anyone.This recipe is a soft mixture that is very moisturizing and protective. Made from completely natural ingredients and is safe for us on lips & skin. See our Tutorial which better explains you to make this recipe own your own.

Ingredients you need:

-1 teaspoon of Honey
-2 teaspoons of Glycerine cream.
-1 teaspoon of Aker Fassi, you can replace it with the famous mororccan lipstick which looks green but it’s the most beautiful red lipstick you can ever see.


In a bowl mix all the ingredients together very well, Rub your lips every night with this mixture and in the morning wipe them with a cotton moistened with rose water.You can save this cream for a month in a Moderate temperature.

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