Sparkly Ombre Nail Art Tutorial

Well today we are unleashing the tutorial called Sparkly Ombre Nail Art through which you will be able to learn and apply cute nail art patterns by yourself. Have a look on this which is easy & present you step by step nail art tutorial for beginners & learners.Follow just some simple steps and you are ready with your Sparkly Ombre Nail Art.

What you'll need:
Clear topcoat
Champagne-color polish
Black glitter polish
A makeup sponge
Nail art brush
Polish remover

1. Paint the base color and wait for it to dry completely.
2. Dab a little of the black glitter polish directly on the of your makeup sponge.
3. Gently dab the sponge on to your nails as shown in picture.
4. Repeat this just on the tips of your nails to get the dramatic black effect.Wait for everything to dry.
5. Apply a layer of your favorite topcoat and leave your nails with a shiny finish.
6. Use a nail art brush dipped in polish remover, clean up around your cuticles for a professional finish.

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