Beautiful Beach Ready Fishtail Hairstyle Tutorial

When it comes about beaches, we think of the sea and the fishes. If you are on the beach then why not tune into the environment with the beautiful fishtail hairstyle tutorial. In this tutorial we will be making replica of fishtail from your hairs and you will feel involved with the beach beauty.

First apply the hair spray to make your hairs more bulgy and shiny.

Now apply your fingers to evenly spread the spray until the hair scalp and all your hairs should feel a bit moist.

Now make two portions of the hairs lying on the back of your neck and shuffle them around to make a clearly visible braid.

Apply elastic band at the end to hold it together.

Make the braid a little fluffy with your hands by spreading the turns apart a bit.

Now pick few hairs right above your forehead and place them just there folding a little back using the hair clip.

You are now spreading the way with fish tail waving through your hairs. Enjoy the moment and make yourself completely surrounded with the beauty of the beach which you have contributed.

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