Your lips are the most attractive part of your beautiful physical appearance. Today we will guide you to shine your lips with pink lip gloss which is perfect for beauties having brown skin lips. First we will go applying the basic pink lipstick and then we will work on glossing them with some sparkling finish.
☛ First clean your lips using the cleaning brush.
☛ Now using the color pencil we will prepare our outline. You are required to draw using pink color.
☛ Once you have done with pencil coating now it’s time for some serious coloring.
☛ This time we will be using lipstick to give more smooth and shiny look.
☛ Once lipstick is on its place use the white color pencil to decorate the middle of both the lips.
☛ Now in the end we have to use the sparkling effects to make it more gorgeous and attractive.
Now look yourself in the mirror and you will be pretty surprised to see your lips so appealing and glossy with pink gloss. Your makeup is ready so dress up the rest and you are ready for the party.