Applying color blocks to your nails can be fun activity. For the complete beginners this might seems like how it is possible to draw block on your nails and with that much perfection. Just relax and read calmly my dear as will be making you able to draw all this at your own and sitting at your home. Believe me this is fairly simple.
☛ Although we can choose any of the color but then as well we are going with the green to make the background.
☛ Choose the green nail paint from your collection and apply it firmly to your nails, covering them fully without any void.
☛ Leave them to dry for some time.
☛ Once the nail paint is set its time to draw the block.
☛ We will be using the help of tape strips to make the outer boundary of the blocks.
☛ At the edge of your nail, put a thin tape strip and now fill it with the blue nail polish.
☛ Similarly grab one more strip and apply it crossed to the first one making another block.
☛ In this block we will be using black color.
☛ Once both colors are applied and dried after apply, you can remove the tapes.