Today's Heart and floral Nail Art Tutorial will put your mood on love. It mixes the heart symbol with an eye-catching ikat(dyeing pattern) pattern.
You can also mix up your shades of pink with different colors. This is simple yet smart nail art.This nail art design is best for Valentines Day.Must try.
You Will Need:-
☛Three complementary shades of pink
☛Small striping nail art brush
☛Top Coat
1. Apply three shades of pink on Alternate nails.
2. Paint a heart in the center of each nail, using a different pink from the base color.
3. Using a small striping brush and another pink, paint tiny vertical lines around the edge of each heart.
4. Same step for each heart. The lines size must not be same. It actually looks better if they're not.
5. Using the same pink you used to outline each heart in step 3, stripe a tiny heart in the center of each ikat heart shape.
6. Seal with quick dry top coat to smooth everything out.