Simple dots on your nails can be proved as much attractive and fancy as you might not consider right now the reason is the dots in multiple colors gives it like a colored texture and that is what nail art is all about. So many colors arranged randomly to look pretty than normal. So here we go to our dots nail polish tutorial.
☛ First fill your nail completely with any color of your choice but make sure the color used here should not be used once again in next steps.
☛ Now using white color make 5-6 dots in a line which is almost in the middle of the nail.
☛ Similarly draw two more lines of dots one on the left and one on the right of the middle line.
☛ Now it’s the time for actual fun part.
☛ We have multiple bubbles or dots which we can fill using any different color combinations. Use your
creativity how better you can spread the colors to look more attractive and gorgeous.
Now it is my turn to ask, is nail art not so attractive or appealing as we have said before. Surely your answer is yes and that’s all we want to hear.