Elsa bridal braid is the style that you might have seen in animated movies with fantasy characters only. Have you ever wondered about, how it would be if it is available in real? How it would be if you have chance to have that hair style? If you haven’t thought that before, think it now because we will also provide the answer to your doubts as we will be taking this tutorial.
☛ Comb your hairs natural way to keep them smooth and easier to handle.
☛ Now pick some hairs from the top and apply an elastic band to hold them together.
☛ Holding this small bunch in hands make a braid which will last till the tail.
☛ Make another smaller braid from the hairs right behind your neck and attach it to the main braid.
☛ Make the braid a little fluffy so as to release the tension in the hairs and to lessen the risk of hair damage.
Your very own and unique Elsa bridal braid hairstyle has been completed and you have done it quite perfectly. Now you can compare yourself with that animation movie character and I hope you are looking more prettier than that now.