Have a hang of painting the nails with different designs then try this nail art which looks amazing and trendy on the nails. Every day girls demanded for a new nail art designs and we are always here to provide you the best nail art design and ideas.Today we again have a new design in which you can see that how you can Make Reindeer On Your Nails.It seems complicated when you first listen but when you see our step by step tutorial then you definitely want to try this one. So, Take a look:
You Will Need:-
☛ White color polish
☛ Nail art brush
☛ light and dark brown shade polish
☛ Black color Polish
☛ Top coat
1. Apply a white base colour and let it dry completely.
2. Paint a semi circle on the tip of your nail using a brush.
3. Paint another semi-circle on top of that one.
4. With using a darker brown shade outline the shape you drown previously.Draw on your antlers in the same dark shade.
5. Draw a eyes of oval shape of white color polish and draw nose with glitter red nail polish.
6. Add small black dots in the eyes and seal it with applying the top coat.