If you are having big lips and find it difficult to apply the lipstick we can help you out in the situation. You can use your lipstick makeup to cover the extra wideness of the lips so as to look absolute normal with added glamour and gorgeousness. This tutorial is dedicated to all those having big lips, we will be going through step by step to cover all the points.
☛ To moisturize the lips, apply the lip gloss. It will help you to remove the dry wrinkles and makes your lips smooth.
☛ Now using the lip liner, prepare an outline of your lips.
☛ Apply the lip liner exactly as per the natural shape of your lips.
☛ Pick the lip liner color a bit dark to your natural lips color.
☛ When outline is ready, make some lines in the middle also and then go on to fill it completely.
☛ Now grab the lipstick and gently rub it onto your lips.
☛ Apply it evenly and see the magic.
Your lips are ready to deliver the most beautiful smile to this world and definitely spectators will also respond you with respected smile.