How to paint British flag nail art manicure step by step tutorial instructions.This looks hard, but is actually quite easy.Have a look at the tutorial for easy & step by step new nail art tutorials of 2015 for beginners & learners.Follow these basic steps to create your nail art designs.
Take a look:
You Will Need:-
- Red, Blue and White color polish
- Dotting tool
- A strip
1. Apply a base coat of nude polish.
2. Cut a piece of strip and place it on the tip of your nail as shown in picture.
3. After that using blue nail polish apply it on the tip of the nail.
4. Using white polish with any dotting tool(toothstick), draw lines as shown in picture.
5. Draw the same line on the white color polish but this time use the Red color polish.
6. At last remove the strip and you are done.