Now, you can make your nails in all seasons, especially in summer beautiful and attractive with some fast beauty ideas. These are flower designs which give fantastic look. Follow the given points and enjoy a handsome time in functions, parties and events.
Things Required
☛ Brush
☛ Artificial colors
☛ Color Pencil
☛ Tissue paper or soft piece of cloth
Some more special products can be purchased from beauty stores as well.
Follow the Steps
• Color your nails according to the best selected shade of beach and summer.
• Draw the beautiful flowers with the help of brush and pencil.
• Outline the flowers with some contrasted colors.
• Clean the outer area during coloring.
• Shine your nails after completion with the help of shiner or oil.
Through this short tutorial, you can make your nails really awesome and good looking in parties and functions. Always apply good quality, branded products during makeup and beauty designs. These save your parts of body and give outstanding looks or long time. To give highest beauty look, check the color contrast and darkness on your nails. After two or three times applying, you will feel yourself expert.