When it comes about skin care then rose water is the primary choice to going ahead with. Rose water is the extract of natural rose flower petals which helps your skin to heal scars, cuts and wounds. There are plenty of benefits of rose water that we can list down here like, it helps maintaining your skin’s pH balance, it helps fighting against, acne, dermatitis, eczema etc. Apart from skin it can be actively used for your eyes too. It helps and prevent against the dark circles. Below are the following ways you can use rosewater.
☛ Face Toner: Chemical fairness products available in the market uses high content of alcohol and chemicals which over the long run strip off the moisture. You can use rose water as a natural face toner. Chilled rose water can be applied using the cotton balls on to your skin.
☛ Rosewater as Sun body Spray: Rosewater can be effectively used against the effects of sun on your skin. You need to mix 10-15 tulsi leaves and add it to 200 ml of rose water. You can keep the liquid into some spray bottle to refrigerate and can be used every time before coming out in sun.
☛ For pigmented lips: This is simple DIY idea where you can add the rose water into the beetroot juice along with some milk and rose petals to make the thick paste and apply it directly to your lips. With regular use, pigments will be removed to give you more pink lips.
☛ Rosewater with creams: You can use rosewater with your regular facial creams to increase the softness of your skin which makes it soft and supple.