If you want to make your dull and simple eyebrows beautiful and attractive, then it will take minimum 30 seconds. Hope, these short time tips will give your eyebrows natural and smart look. Follow these steps:
Things Required
☛ Dark Pencil
☛ Brow Powder
☛ Beauty Brush
☛ Brow Gel
Simple Steps
• Wash the face with face-wash or soap and clean it.
• Apply brow powder as bas on your eyebrows. Get help from beauty brush.
• Brush the eyebrows for making these straight in vertical form. This will help in filling with a better way.
• Apply the pencil with a light and soft touch. Draw some clean and clear lines.
• Brush your eyebrows to make these smarter and clear.
• If you like, apply gel on eyebrows.
This is short time tutorial which will make your simple and dull eyebrows really beautiful with young and active look. Check in mirror finally and clean the outer side with brush, tissue paper of soft piece of cloth. You can complete all these steps at home individually with three or four beauty items. Share with your family members and friends to spread beauty ideas for special occasions and events.