It’s valentine with love everywhere around so why not have some lovely spark to your nails. Today we will be making nail art design which is especially dedicated to the personal occasion of valentine. We will be taking this tutorial to tell you step by step on making this nail art perfectly.
☛ First you need to draw a wavy in the middle of the nail using some sparkle color.
☛ Apply the color 2-3 times repetitively to make it more opaque.
☛ Now on the one side of the wavy line apply the palette paint color using the brush.
☛ On the other side you need to drop the white and red color dots relatively closer.
☛ Now swirl the dot to mix together and create more complex pattern.
☛ Now leave it as it is for some to get try.
☛ Now grab some readymade stickers and stick on to your nails.
☛ In the end apply the top coat to secure the nail art.
Top coat will be securing your nail art to end longer and also it will get the additional bright spark so it doesn’t looks faded.