[Read: Get Fair & Glowing Skin in 7 Days]
Exposure to sun causes discoloration to the skin. Like sun there are several other factors which affect skin are pregnancy, deficiency, weak liver or aging etc. these dark spots also known as dark patches, dark spots, age spots and sun spots. There is no side effect of having dark spots other than losing your beauty and attractiveness. If you want to try some natural or home remedies then try this out.☛ Lemon juice: Lemon juice is rich sources of vitamin E which helps in removing dark spots. Lemon juice acts as bleach, and reduces the dark color of spot. Do not lemon for a long span of time. Use olive oil after it for nourishment.
☛ Buttermilk: buttermilk is helpful in removing blemishes and dark patches because it contains lactic acids. Apply it directly or mix with some other product. You can also use it with lemon juice and tomato juice. Apply moisturizers after raised off the buttermilk.
☛ Castor oil: castor oil is superb for this because of it healing properties. And quite effective for dark spots and sun pots. You can also add some olive oil, vitamin E, coconut oil, or almond oil. Massage your targeted area with castor oil, leave it for few hours and then wash off. Use this once in the morning and once in the night.
☛ Apple cider vinegar: you often read or listen about its use and good results. And for skin it’s extremely effective. Its good properties are also help in reducing the darkness of spot. Use it directly or with water, honey, orange juice.
☛ Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera rejuvenate the skin and remove the dark patches effectively.