Well this might not be the choice of everyone because of the availability of the parlors with so ease. But many a times getting it done at the parlors can be a daunting task, one thing is the expense and the other thing is the time. So why shouldn’t we try it at home. Yeah it is absolutely perfect to cut your hairs at home and you can have it exactly the way you want.
Well we are not suggesting you have complete makeover at home but a simple finishing so that you can sideway all those split ends and hairs which you don’t want that long.
☛ First you need to comb your hairs and hold them together using the elastic.
☛ This elastic will make it a ponytail and you can easily work on it.
☛ Here the trick is you need to make the pony upside down i.e. your pony should hang right in front of your face.
☛ Now pick the scissor and let the game play.
☛ Give it the required cut as you might feel comfortable with.