When the school starts and your mommy has to make some cute fancy yet simple hairstyles for her little daughter then a variety of hairstyles come to her mind. She needs something that is easy to make and is quick. Morning time is very precious and mommy’s have little time as they are running to let their kids go to school. Ribbon design braid is one hairstyle which is simple and extremely easy to make. They look cute on little girls too. Mommy’s will save their time especially in the morning if they learn how to create this hairstyle on their own.
To begin with you need to brush your hair and divide them into 2 sections. Taking the left section and dividing it further into 3 sections. Taking a ribbon and placing it at the back of the head in the centre part. Make a braid in the way you make it normally then secure it with an elastic. Repeat the process on the right side as well pulling the braids at the top of the head. You can make a cute little bow at the centre. Your ribbon braid hairstyle is ready.