Hello friends, you often read articles about natural remedies for different health issues. But I notice one thing and hopefully you also notice that, articles about natural remedies and especially skin related remedies consist of a basic component that is baking soda. If you want to know the all benefits of baking soda together, then this article is written for you. So, here we go: -
SCRUB: scrubbing is an important part of beauty treatment, and baking soda helps you a lot in this treatment. Mix oatmeal, water and baking soda.
HAIR CLEANUP: baking soda has the power to remove the extra styling product from the hairs, Take two pinches of baking soda to your regular shampoo while you are about to wash hair.
MANICURE: when you do manicure at home, make a paste of baking soda and water to exfoliate dead skin cells. And dip your nail brush in baking soda and rub around nails and cuticles.
FOOT REST: when your feet feel tired, dip them in the bucket full of water and some baking soda in it. You can also add some oils for aroma. And you can also exfoliate by applying paste.
BATH: like your hands and feet, baking soda is able to relax your whole body. Just put half cup of baking soda in your bath tub, remaining it will do by itself.
SMELL GOOD: if you want to smell good all day long, mix baking soda in your favorite aroma oil. Apply under your arms with the help of brush.
ACNE REMOVAL: make a paste of water and baking soda, apply simply on acne and leave it.
TEETH WHITENER: brush with it before toothpaste.