Seeing you most favorite lipstick broken can be most disturbing as being your favorite it was your most preferable to use and second buying a new one will be costly. In that situation you will be totally helpless unless you find a way to fix it. Will you be impressed if we say that we will be fixing your broken lipstick into a single piece and you will be able to use that once again for your party tonight?
We will be requiring some paper before start and we also suggest you to use gloves as picking lipstick with fingers can be a messy task. Gloves will keep your fingers clean.
☛ Bring out the broken piece which is inside the lipstick plastic container.
☛ Bring a lit match stick on top of it to melt it.
☛ Now put the other piece on top of it and hold if for some seconds.
☛ Once it is fixed put it back into the refrigerator to make it hard.
☛ In the end you can remove the extra spill over edges using the toothpick or some needle.