Just imagine you are wearing high heels and a short beautiful dress, which exactly goes with your beautiful face and perfect figure. But what happens if your feet are dry, calloused and cracked, it looks totally mismatch with your perfectly toned body. Now, if you are thinking to change the way your feet look. Then we can help you just follow this simple life savior hack and get the most beautiful feet: -
☛ For this trick you need 4 to 5 liter lukewarm water in a bucket, 3 to 4 tablespoon of baking soda, sponge or pumice stone and moisturizer. Bucket should of size in which you can easily dip your legs.
☛ Take bucket and mix the baking soda in it, and blend it well so that baking soda dissolved fully.
☛ Dip your feet into the bucket, and leave them for soaking for 20 to 25 minutes.
☛ And when you are finished with soaking start rubbing your feet with sponge or pumice stone.
☛ When rubbing done apply moisturizer all over the feet and have rest.
And you are finished with the process. Happy summers!!