Having a pimple on your face, is the biggest worst dream at the age of 16 or 18. But pimple has the power to torture even at the age of 40 or 50. And this problem is not only related to girls even boys also have the fear of pimple on their faces. So, girls and boys we have natural and effective homemade remedies which use without any recommendation or prescription of the doctor. So here we go: -
PAPAYA: papaya is very helpful in skin related matter and especially it is more beneficial in acne. Have a fresh papaya mess it well, apply it as a lotion and rinse off after 30 minutes.
ALOE-VERA: like papaya it is also well known and extremely used plant for skin matters. Apply Aloe-Vera gel on the pimple directly and leave it. Rinse is totally up to use, if you want then do it after 30 minutes and if you don’t want then leave it.
HONEY: honey is very helpful in my health issues like for weight loss, replacing sugar content etc. it is also helpful in face issues like pimple. Apply honey directly on your face, keep it for 30 to 45 minutes and rinse off with warm water.
BALANCED DIET: diet is the important part of once life. What you eat can directly affect your mind and body. Starts taking a balanced diet not too much oily, fatty and spicy. And also add fruits and veggies to your diet.
WATER: we all know water hydrates our body and detox our bodies too. So, start taking 3 to 4 liters of water per day to help yourself.