See Now : Miracle Remedy to Lighten Dark Lips & Get Pink Lips Naturally

If you wish to lighten your dark lips then make sure you make use of the following tips and remedies given below in the article. Read more for information.

Apply lemon juice on your lips before going to bed in the night. Do it for at least 2 months daily.

Apply lemon juice mixed with glycerin and honey and apply it onto your lips before going to bed in the night.

Mix a drop of rose water with honey and apply it on your lips. Repeat the process 4 to 5 times a day. This will make your look naturally pink.

You can also mix one tablespoon of rose petal paste to one spoon of honey and butter. Scrub your lips and apply it onto it. Do it altleast twice a week.

You can also make use of love oil by applying it gently onto your lips. Do it everyday before going to bed. This will give a naturally pink look to your lips.

Apply beetroot juice to your lips before going to bed. Wash it off next day. Do it everyday. It has properties to make your lips rosy and naturally pink.

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