There is a sly technique that is also actively used in yoga. It gives you an opportunity in a very short time (3-4 weeks)to not only strengthen the abdominal muscles on the inside, but also to make the waist thinner.
It is understood, the more often you practice this exercise, the bigger and faster would the obvious effect be achieved.
The minimum number of repetitions is – 5. At the beginning, it will take time to keep your abdominal muscles tense.
But when they come in tone, it will require much less effort to control them.
So, the exercises for tightening your tummy:
☛ Starting Position:> Lie on your back, let the arms lie along the body, your bent knees should be on the floor, and the muscles should be relaxed.
Slowly exhale, releasing air from the lungs, and meanwhile, not straining the muscles.
☛ Freeing air from the lungs, start to strain the muscles of the stomach, trying to suck in as much as possible. Stop the breathing during it.
Fix the lower part of the abdomen for 10-15 seconds, then, take a small breath, continuing to pull in the stomach.
☛ Breathe a little, do not rush to relax your stomach – strain the muscles of the stomach and hold your breath for another 10-15 seconds, then again, inhale, maintaining the muscle tension. If you find it difficult, take a short breath.
☛ Exhale, relax your stomach, do some free-breath exhalation, then re-release air from the lungs, stomach and pull your belly as much as you can.
Stretch the muscles of the stomach, and then free the stomach upward, without inhalation.
Thanks to this exercise, in three weeks, you can significantly strengthen the internal abdominal muscles, that will lead to a reduction in waist size and abdomen looks, which will become straight, as well as the whole figure.