OMG - 92 Year Old Man Married With 22 Year Young Girl

Musali Mohammed al-Mujamaie married 22-year-old Muna Mukhlif al-Juburi.He said that he is feeling alone after the death of his first wife and he wants to get some pleasure and happiness in life. He also wants to share things with someone so he decided to marry and he will find a girl Muna who also ready to get married with him.

A 92-year-old man in Iraq marries a woman 70 years his junior. Muslai Mohammed al-Mujamaie, decided to get married three years after the death of his first wife of 58 years.
Here we are going to share with you few pictures of Muslai Mohammed al-Mujamaie with Muna Mukhlif al-Juburi and video also. Just have a look at this above.

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