A newborn survived being buried alive for two hours. The newborn girl’s parents buried her alive after she was born premature because they thought she was stillborn. When she felt a sudden pain in her belly and went into labor unexpectedly.She give birth to a girl in only 4 month pregnancy.He called an ambulance. When the ambulance came, the staff asked for the baby, but He said his wife had suffered a miscarriage at four months of pregnancy and the baby had died.
Mother things that she is not alive and buried the girl in the Yard of her house.The father of the child was shocked to learn that his mother-in-law had buried her. He went to the yard and dug up the baby. And he was shocked to find that the newborn was still breathing.He rushed to the hospital and Doctor's admitted that that baby girl is survived from two hours and still breathing.
More in the video given below.