☛ Breastfeeding can burn up to 500 calories per day. So this is the easiest way to shed those extra kilos while being at rest. Of course, don’t forget to maintain a healthy diet to be able to produce lots of milk for your baby.
Get active with the baby
☛ Put on some music and dance with your baby, or crawl around and play games with him. It is a fun activity and serves your purpose of losing weight.
☛ You can also take your baby out in a stroller and enjoy some mother – baby walking time while burning those calories.
Work out
☛ Regular running and weight training with a nutritious diet not only helps you lose weight, but also to maintain a healthy body to keep up with the needs of your infant.
☛ With the busy schedule after having a baby, most moms forget to eat. This is a big no-no. Skipping meals means less energy. This will make losing weight even more difficult.
☛ Start your day with a nutritious breakfast.
☛ Make sure to have 5-6 small meals during the day. This will keep you filled and energized throughout the day. Being energized will help you burn more calories.
Watch your diet
☛ Watch what you eat. Say no to all the high calorie items. Cheese, sugar, fried food and white grain, they not only make weight loss difficult but are also harmful for your overall health in the long run.
☛ Include nuts, whole grain, fruits and vegetables, oats and low-fat food in your diet.
Free your mind
☛ A stressed mind leads to release of stress hormones which cause fatigue, laziness and irritability and which may in fact lead to weight gain. So it is very important to relax and free your mind from the unnecessary thoughts.
☛ Sleep when the baby sleeps, meditate, read books and have your own ‘me-time’ to relax.
Must Watch
Most importantly, stay positive and focused.