Remember playdough, as a kid? A similar goop-like substance is now being used as a household cleaner. You can buy it from retailers, but it’s so easy to make on your own! It’s fun for the family as children also enjoy making and using this goop.

Though “goop” is not usually synonymous with “clean”, this DIY Goop is great for cleaning tiny crevices, such as keyboards. Compressed air is not always the answer, especially when it blows tiny particles deeper into the gaps surrounding the keys, but goop will do the job.

Another great time to have your own homemade goop is when you need to take care of smudges or crumbs in areas such as the console in your car. Try it on all sorts of nooks and crannies.

To make DIY Cleaning Goop:
Supplies needed –
1 measuring cup
1 cup warm water
1/2 tsp Borax Laundry Booster
1 mixing bowl
5 ounces clear or white school glue
favorite food coloring
1/2 cup water

Add borax powder to 1 cup of warm water and stir until completely dissolved. Set aside.

Kids can help too! In the bowl, mix glue (clear or white) and add 1/2 cup warm water with several drops of food coloring. Be sure to blend well until smooth.

Pour the borax mixture into the glue mixture, and as you mix, watch the shape start start to form. The mixture will be wet and gooey.

Using your hands, keep kneading the goop, until it is firm and feels dry. Discard excess liquid in bowl.

The more you knead the goop the firmer it becomes.

Goop can be stored in a ziplock bag or airtight container for an indefinite amount of time.

This stuff is great! Kids have fun cleaning with it, too. Once the cleaning is done and goop is grungy, it’ll be time for a new batch.
If you can’t find Borax, watch this video below to see how to make DIY Goop with liquid laundry starch, instead. It also shows you how to add fun stuff such as glitter or crazy eyes.
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