Zhou Lu and her son Chen Xiaotian were a very happy family, but, unfortunately, tragedy struck them early. When Chen was only five years old, they found out he had a malignant brain tumor. Though they caught it fairly early on, the disease continued to grow and doctors told him he wouldn't reach adulthood. It was only months later that Zhou found out she had a kidney disease.
Eventually, Chen's tumor pressed against his optic nerve and he lost the ability to see; he also became bedridden. Zhou was doing better, but still had problems and required dialysis treatments. There wasn't anything the doctors could do for Chen, but Zhou could recover with a new kidney. The doctors knew Chen would be a match, but went to Zhou's mother to discuss her options. When Zhou found out, she adamantly refused to even think about it as her little boy lay dying, but Chen overheard and made up his own mind on the issue.
He confronted his mother and demanded that he be allowed to save her life. She finally relented and decided "if her son was to die her only consolation was that part of him would live on in her." They found out he was a perfect match and he passed away on April 2, 2014. It is said the doctors bowed to him before moving on with the organ transplant to show their respect for such a brave young boy.
A few hours after he passed, doctors gave Zhou her new kidney, but she wasn't the only one to be rescued by his selfless act. His other kidney went to a 21-year-old girl and his liver was given to a 27-year-old man.
Chen is certainly one to be admired for his strength and courage in the face of death. He loved his mom more than anything and gave her the best gift he could before leaving this life. Watch the video to see witness this sad, but very moving moment in their lives.
Must Watch
Source: http://fb-149.sfglobe.com/2015/02/27/a-dying-son-overhears-he-can-help-his-mother-and-he-is-determined-to-do-so