Learn Here: Leg Wax Just Like the Pros

DIY Cheap & Easy Hair Removal Wax

Method I- hard wax

In a pan, mix 2 cups of sugar with 1/4th cup of water and 1/4th cup of lemon juice.

Whisk and bring it to a boil for 5-7 minutes till it reaches a rich golden-brown color.

Let it cool, and then using a spatula or a butter knife, apply it on to your skin in the opposite direction of hair growth. Let it stick a little and then pull it off in the direction of hair growth.

Method II – soft wax

In a pan, mix and heat 1 cup of sugar with 1/4th cup of water and 1/4th cup of lemon juice.

Whisk and bring it to a boil for 5-7 minutes till it reaches a light honey color.

Let it cool and wax in the same procedure as the hard wax.

Quick tips:

bMake sure your skin is absolutely clean before you start the procedure of waxing.

bUse clean tools.
Wash the area with water to close the opened pores.

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