How to differentiate this particular pain from regular pain?

But don't freak out.

Some preventive measures!

There can be a number of reasons that lead to the development of the cancerous cells but at the same time, there are certain signs that can help you pin point and get help at the earliest.
Risk factors
Smoking damages the immune system of a person thereby increasing the risk of potential diseases. Tobacco has a negative impact on the DNA of the cervix cells and thus increases the risk factor of developing cervical cancer.
Women with a family history of the disease are at a 2-3 times bigger risk of contracting the disease.
The HIV virus also damages the immune system and increases the risk for HPV infection.
Heavy women with an improper nutrition intake are also at higher risk.
Multiple pregnancies
There is no theoretical reason as to why this happens, but, women with 3 or more full time pregnancies run at higher risk of getting the disease.
Birth control pills
Some oral contraceptive may with affect the female hormones in a way that it may become a perfect breeding ground for the cancer.
While these are the factors that may contribute to the development of the cancer, following are the symptoms that one must watch out for to get help at the earliest.
Signs and symptoms
The most common symptom of cervical cancer is body pains, mostly in the legs, back and pelvic area. The cancer obstructs the blood flow and may even cause swelling in the legs making it difficult to make even simple small moves.
Unexplained weight loss
When your body is combating a disease, it starts producing small proteins called cytokines which break down the fat faster and cause rapid weight loss. The same happens during the cervical cancer.
Constant fatigue
A sudden loss in weight as per the previous symptom would make the body work harder to stay fit and fight off the diseases. This would lead to your body getting tired faster and may cause you to feel tired most of the times.
Loss of bladder control
An increase in the number of visits to the bathroom without a valid reason is one of the many signs that you may be suffering from the disease. Also, with a loss in bladder control some people may even experience a blood discharge during urination.
Irregular menstrual cycles
There is a certain consistency in the frequency of periods. If you notice some irregularities in yours without a reason then you must consult your doctor and find out the cause. Women suffering from this disease will notice some irregular changes in the frequency and flow of bleeding.
Discomfort during urination
Women will notice a discomforting prickly feeling or burning feeling while urinating. If you’re not taking any medications that will cause you to experience this then it is a sign for you to become cautious.
Vaginal discharge
Some amounts of discharge during the day is normal for any woman, but if you start experiencing an unusual discharge with odor and color then you should immediately get it checked by the doctor.