See Here: Horrifying Things At Museum Of Thailand Will Send Shivers Down Your Spine

The child who died due to hydrocephalus.
It is a severe disease in which spinal fluid is unable to run out of the head.

This might seem freakish, but is quite useful for medical students.
All these oddities have been collected from all around the world.

This museum is rumored to be haunted.

You have to prepare yourself well to visit this museum.
Things kept here might creep you out!

Preserved dead conjoined twin who died soon after their birth.

These bodies are kept here since 20th century.

Scary skeletons of kids.
I bet this will give you nightmares!

A preserved fetus.
Some of the visitors of the museum keep candies near the bodies of the children. They are actually offerings to the spirits of the dead children. That's so bizarre!

Human infants who died a moment after they were born.

A rare medical condition.
In earlier days, it was very difficult to save infants who were born conjoined.

Skeleton of those who died due to rickets.
The leg bones become weak and bend under the weight of the body due to deficiency of vitamin D.

This place is undoubtedly horrifying.

These were real people who suffered from severe illnesses.
These preserved bodies are scary, but they are worth keeping here as to educate many doctors of this generation.

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