2 cups of ice cream (about 500g, and I like it with cookies and cream, so you will too!)
1-and-a-half cups of flour (190g)
1 teaspoon of baking powder
1/4 of a cup of chocolate chips (or more. That’s 30g for you metric fans!)
First, let the ice cream melt in a big bowl. But only just long enough that it is creamy enough.

This ice-cold dough lands into a baking pan. Make sure there are no air bubbles! It helps to tap the pan a bit on the counter and then to smooth with a knife. Put the whole thing in the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit (175 Celsius) for 45 minutes.

And here is the GLORIOUS result. You can already see here how the chocolate chips have melted, creating a melty lava-like flow of chocolatey goodness. Divine. Eat while still warm!

And here is the whole thing in video form:
The idea of using ice cream while baking was totally bizarre at first. I really thought, “Hey, it’ll just melt away into nothing! And then I won’t have any bread and will have to go to the store and buy some in a package which would cause me to become distraught, because it’s just not as good.” But, after trying it, WOW. It is the ambrosia of the baking gods. Share this delectable bread, which is a story in and of itself!
Source: http://www.hefty.co/ice-cream-bread/