“See that on my thumb? Do you know what it is? Its skin cancer. This grew from nothing in a matter of weeks. I thought it was just a fungal infection or a wart. Sadly not. I've been lucky, the cancer hasnt spread and it's being removed next week along with half of my thumb. This may have not been the case if I'd left it and not got it checked out. I don't want your sympathy, I want more awareness. Therefore, please go and get any changes or growths on your skin checked out, please tell people around you to get checked as well … Ps. If anyone knows where I can get a mini hook attachment for my stubby thumb give me a shout!”
This picture and her words were shared over 100,000 times. She never expected such a reaction. And despite it all, she hasn’t lost her sense of humor. Her last post illustrates this perfectly: “If I had known that this photo would have gone viral I would have at least put some makeup on beforehand!”

Nothing on this earth is so terrible and crushing as a cancer diagnosis. To have a chance to defeat the disease, one must recognize the symptoms early. Every day counts!
For that reason, share these alarming pictures with everyone. They could save a life.
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Source: http://www.hefty.co/melanie-williams/