See Now: 10 Unladylike Things Women Truly Love Doing Sometimes!

1. Girls too get wedgies and they often pick it secretly.
So, leave her doing it alone. Don't look at her. Well, at least pretend that you didn't see her picking something.

2. They do have fun in strip clubs. A lot of fun.
They even don't mind spending dollars on s*xy dudes over there.

3. They do snore in the bed.
Yeah! They do it and confidently say 'NO' about it next morning.

4. Girls feel comfortable wearing sweatpants in the public.

5. Sometimes, they prefer sitting like a cool dude.

6. Going native
Women give preferential treatment not only when it comes to people but also while shaving our body parts. This advantage given to some parts over the others is only decided upon a simple criterion: if you want to be seen, you have to be shaved! (Thank God for winters, long sleeve shirts, and dresses which might make us look like a rag, but who cares!)

7. Girls don't like to hold burps just to impress anybody. They do it, when they need to.

8. Flipping the bird.
Girls actually love doing it. *wink*

9. Putting off the bra.
Only a woman knows that moment of great liberation when she can unhook the clasps of her imprisoning bra and fling it across the room at the end of the day. The walk of freedom after this act is the best part and she does it like a boss!


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