Phool Devi said: “She was so weak that we had assumed she would not survive another day. We did not know she was in the habit of eating hair. Though I noticed many times that she plucked couple of strands from my hair and even her classmates told me she did the same with them.
"But I never took it seriously as I thought she was plucking their hair to tease them. I had no idea she was apparently eating hair!”
"However, we noticed she had not been eating properly. Whatever she ate, she would just throw it up.
"She would complain of severe abdominal pain and was even unable to digest water. Her stomach had bloated so much that we thought she is so sick she would just die.
"She was getting weaker with each passing day. We had taken her to several local doctors but none could find out the real problem. I am thankful to doctors for saving her life.”
Trichotillomania is term used for the psychological condition in which a person has an urge to pull hair.
Source: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/disgusting-footage-shows-moment-doctors-5952606#rlabs=19