Kyrie and Brielle Jackson.The tiny twins came onto this world a whole 12 weeks too early. Weighing barely 2 pounds (1 kg).

The 2 little sisters were separated into different incubators. Brielle’s condition stabilized itself slowly and she gradually began to put on weight. The doctor’s prognosis for Kyrie was less optimistic, however, and the doctors believed the little one would not survive.

After a few weeks, something completely unexpected happened. Brielle calmed down immediately and instinctively laid her arm around her still-struggling-with-death sister.And then a miracle happened: after some time, the little Kyrie’s condition began to stabilize. She gained weight daily and even caught up to her bigger sister.

Sometimes human warmth the most effective medicine. It’s amazing when 2 people are so deeply bonded like twin sisters. Share this wonderful story of Kyrie and Brielle!
