Taken from an apartment in the North part of the 16th arrondissement of Paris, near Place Victor Hugo, this photograph gives the illusion that the famed Eiffel Tower is being lifted from the very top by a large crane. Don’t let your eyes deceive you, though.

2. Olympics Rings & the Moon
During the London 2012 Summer Olympic Games, photographer Luke MacGregor snapped this unique shot of the Olympic rings hanging above Tower Bridge at night. With the distant moon lined up perfectly, it appears to be the sixth Olympic ring, glowing brightly over London.

At just the right distance from the bridge, the moon was the exact same size as the rings, making for a very lucky shot. It’s a perfect example of “right place, right time” and was a flawless companion piece to the already inspiring 30th Olympic Summer Games.
3. Woman Falling Into Pool
It takes skill to capture an event unfold, especially when it happens in the blink of an eye. This photo, however, looks like a truly funny moment caught by accident. Presumably just a friend getting his photo taken at the pool, the background tells a much more interesting story.

At the moment this photo was taken, a women was just about to fall backwards into the pool. Judging by the look on her face and body language, it hadn’t sunk in that it was actually happening. She was in deep conversation with two other women, but what she didn’t expect was to soon be deep under water.
4. Scuba Diver & Whale
Taking picture on vacation is a standard practice. Everyone wants to capture the perfect representation of a perfect holiday. But this photographer not only got a great shot, he got the photo of a lifetime. Caught on camera in the South Pacific, this underwater photo shows the interaction between a scuba diver and a 50 foot humpback whale.

With the man reaching out his arm, this snap shows the whale extending its fin right back for a truly touching moment. With the scuba diver right by its side for scale, this photo exhibits the sheer size of the humpback whale and the true king of the ocean.
5. Statue Catching a Flight
This might explain all those delayed flights. Captured in Ushiku, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan, this photo shows an airplane taking off that looks suspiciously like it’s being held back between this statues fingers. In reality, this statue is Ushiku Daibutsu and it is located fairly close to Narita Airport.

As this flight took off, from where this photographer was standing, the picture told a different story. Perfectly timed, this photo is a great example of a once in a lifetime photo with an whole new meaning.
6. Moon In the Arches
A lovely photo can come in many different forms. Some are caught on a whim and some, like this photo, are calculated and perfected. Taken in Grand County, Utah, the photographer captured the nearly full moon between the arches of a monument in the desert.

The photo works on a number of levels and brings to mind a few things. It gives the illusion of a window to which you can see the moon and the night sky, but, with a change in perspective, appears too look like an eye, with the moon acting as the pupil. Whatever the case, it’s a beautiful photo that represents photography at it’s finest.
7. Unfortunate Starbucks Van
Taking picture on vacation is a standard practice. Everyone wants to capture the perfect representation of a perfect holiday. But this photographer not only got a great shot, he got the photo of a lifetime. Caught on camera in the South Pacific, this underwater photo shows the interaction between a scuba diver and a 50 foot humpback whale.

With the man reaching out his arm, this snap shows the whale extending its fin right back for a truly touching moment. With the scuba diver right by its side for scale, this photo exhibits the sheer size of the humpback whale and the true king of the ocean.
8. Snorkelling Fish
This might explain all those delayed flights. Captured in Ushiku, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan, this photo shows an airplane taking off that looks suspiciously like it’s being held back between this statues fingers. In reality, this statue is Ushiku Daibutsu and it is located fairly close to Narita Airport.

As this flight took off, from where this photographer was standing, the picture told a different story. Perfectly timed, this photo is a great example of a once in a lifetime photo with an whole new meaning.
9. Obama’s Sun
A lovely photo can come in many different forms. Some are caught on a whim and some, like this photo, are calculated and perfected. Taken in Grand County, Utah, the photographer captured the nearly full moon between the arches of a monument in the desert.

10. Cats In Love
This is not great news for Starbucks. Typically, companies put their name and logo on the side of their vehicles for promotion, but in this case, it’s quite the opposite. Captured in Kobe, Japan, a photographer caught a Starbucks van unloading with its doors wide open.

Little does the company know, when the doors are open on the van, the letters spell out a much less desirable word than Starbucks. The coffee may be over priced, but this is a little harsh.
11. Perfect Advertising
If you want to be the star of a photo, you have to be front and centre and that’s exactly what this fish did. Taken off the coast of Koh Tao in Thailand, this snorkeler was expecting to capture a truly incredible moment as he swam amongst the fish on a great adventure.

But as you can see in this underwater shot, at the moment the photo was taken, a fish swam up and stole the show. But the fish didn’t ruin the photo. In fact, it was a one in a million kind of picture. The fish perfectly lined up with the swimmer’s head, making for a photo that looks like something out of a science fiction movie.
12. Solar Eclipse Horns
He may be the leader of the free world, but President Barack Obama doesn’t quite have the power to harness the energy of the sun. In this photo, however, you might believe otherwise. Captured as he was giving a speech in the afternoon, the animated president, using his hands while he talked, appears to be holding the sun like a crystal ball.

Even the look on his face would lead us to believe he was staring into the future or casting a spell. But in reality, it’s really just a case of a perfect photographer capturing more than they imagined they could.
13. Airplane & the Moon
The Internet is full of cat photos. You cannot browse online without finding one. It’s one of the reasons why we love it so much. But this isn’t just a regular photo of someone's pets. This photo captures two similar looking cats enjoying the outdoors by the water and by the looks of it, they love it.

With their tails intertwined, they unknowingly create a heart shape against the backdrop of the lake in this perfectly timed snapshot. Whether their sending a message or not, you can’t help but love this photo.
14. Belly Slap
This picture of a racing boat on rough waters is a great example of what photography can accomplish without photoshop. It depicts one of the sailors standing on the keel of an 8-ton yacht, fully clad in a suit against the bottom of the boat which spells out Hugo Boss.

This dangerous stunt pays off in the end and makes for a truly amazing photograph and some great free advertising for the suit makers.
15. Soccer Ball Sun
Caught in the midst of a partial solar eclipse, this photo gives the illusion of devil horns hiding behind the clouds. With that perspective, it’s a truly creepy photo and with the church in the foreground it makes it appears even more sinister.

But the reality is that it’s just the sun captured in a remarkable moment. Caught against the pink hues of the evening sky, it’s a beautiful photo and a beautiful sight.
16. Statue & Plane
Some photographers try and try to capture the perfect image, only to find themselves disappointed. In this rare case, the photographer nailed the shot and has this photo to show for it.

With everything lined up and in place, this photo depicts an airplane soaring in the sky against the backdrop of an almost full moon. The image quality is a crisp and clean and is the perfect example of a keen eye and an amazingly staged shot.
17. Headless Gymnast
Some friends show their love in strange ways. For some it’s a pat on the back or shoulder, but in this case, it’s a hard slap to the belly. Caught at the moment of impact, this belly slap shows the ripple effects that a few extra pounds can have.

While the recipient of the slap may have a smile on his face in the photo, something tells me it won’t last. A few minutes later and he’ll have a big red handprint on his torso, probably doubled over in pain.
18. The Moon & Crane
Caught during the evening sunset, this silhouette against the deep red sky gives the illusion of a man holding a soccer ball on his foot. It’s just a case of a perfectly timed photo, however.

With the sun in the far distance, it’s small enough to look approximately the same size as a standard ball. All it takes in this case is a little trick photography and the right angle and they have themselves a very cool photograph to show off.
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Source: http://www.hithenews.com/18-perfectly-timed-photos-244.html