#1 Cutting the body apart

So this is how a model enters in a wooden case and gets her body halved into two unique pieces. A model already occupy space in the block and then what happens is in front of you.

The board on which the woman is lying is actually held up by a metal rod. The chairs do nothing at all. When the magician isn't standing there, the metal rod is clearly visible, which otherwise gets hidden by his legs. The platform that the magician is standing on is the biggest key to this trick.
#3 Again, cutting the body

This time, the only difference is that the model shrunk her body and an artificial couple of feet attached at the other end of board.
#4 To the air

Here, the trick remains quite similar to that of which we saw in #2.
#5 You must have witnessed such people on street!

The image tells it all that the whole setup is hidden inside the performer's dress. He just sits comfortably on it.
#6 Curve Boxes

So this how a body slides in and then the magician puzzle it out.
#7 Michael Jackson Dance Trick

Although, MJ is the greatest dancer ever. But, this trick of his really left people in awe. So the shoes are to be made stuck in this mould and you can copy him.
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Source: http://www.wittyfeed.com/story/9820/The-Logic-Behind-These-7-Mysterious-Magic-Tricks-Will-Leave-You-Dumbstruck