1.What A Great Idea!

3.Loners Dont Even Know They are Alone

4.Who Needs A Magic Mirror When You Have A Selfie Stick And Filters?

5.Who is In Charge Of Whom Here?

6.I Cant Die Without This New Default..NOOOO!!

7.Smartphones Are Rather Blinding

8.Remember Before Angry Birds When Kids Liked Playing Soccer?

9.Before And After Vacation Photos

11.The Latest Trend In Tan Lines

12.If No One Snaps A Photo Did It Even Happen?

13.Tweet, Tweet

14.Save The Man Or Take The Newest Instagram Photo To Go Viral? Decisions, Decisions..

15.Truly Addicted To Your Cell Phone? You Can Always Borrow Your Pets Cone!

16.Where Did My Cell Phone Go?

18.Life In The Woods..With Technology

19.Adult Binky

21.De@th Of Dinner Conversation

Your smartphone entertains and delights while also helping you stay more connected, but with every addiction comes plenty of drawbacks. The following cartoons perfectly depict how smartphones are taking over your life, in both funny and not-so-funny ways.
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Source: http://www.earthporm.com/smartphones-are-taking-over/