Sometimes when things look the bleakest, God sends us a message, a sign that He is watching over us. That couldn't have been more true for one baby boy, and Masha the cat, who would be his savior in his time of need.

The baby boy was left abandoned outside on a cold winter night in Russia, so Masha, a stray tabby, climbed into the box he was left in to keep the infant warm.

Once alongside the infant, Masha meowed constantly until help arrived. Locals considered Masha to be very calm and friendly so this was out of character for the tabby.

Irina Lavrova, a retired woman who lived nearby and had been attending Masha, came to her aid worried the cat had been injured. "You can imagine my shock when I saw her lying in a box next to baby," exclaimed Irina.

"Clearly her motherly instincts had taken over and she wanted to protect the child," according to Irina.

Masha was so unwilling to part with the infant that she even tried to hop inside the ambulance once paramedics arrived.

Residents even said that once the ambulance had left, Masha stayed on the road awaiting the baby's return.

While the baby was properly clothed and left with food and diapers, residents are certain he would not have made survived without the help of his fury guardian.

According to Irina, the whole neighborhood has come to think of Masha as a hero, and have spoiled her with all of her favorite foods.

Doctors were happy to learn that the baby arrived in hospital completely healthy, in large part due to Masha's help.

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. Protect the rights for all who are helpless." -Proverbs 31:8
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Source: http://diply.com/videosworthsharing/this-fury-feline-is-actually-a-guardian-angel/189856