Everything goes perfectly and the parents are almost bursting with joy when they find out that Chloe is pregnant again. But then something happens that no one expected. Her belly grows to be so massive that she begins to worry. It's much larger than a normal pregnancy!

Durin an ultrasound she has to discover that she got a 3-for-1 pack! That is a serious shock for the already large family. They then learn that one of the babies is not getting enough oxygen and it's the little girl that they had wished for so long that must fight for her life.

The situation becomes more precarious for the girl and the parents must decide between 2 extreme possibilities - the girl is dying in her womb. Either induce an early birth, that would endanger all 3 of the children or they let their daughter die to protect the 2 boys. The family is completely torn between the 2 decisions and it looks like they will have to accept losing one of their unborn children.

The strong couple decides in the end for all the children. This way is more than brave yet Chloe begins to doubt herself. Yet as the pregnancy continues week by week as the babies grow. "I know she was strong because she was still alive at 28 weeks," says Chloe about her daughter the fighter. Yet with every day the survival chances of the babies increase inside her belly. But the danger has not yet passed! For the little ones are born just a few days later.

Since they were born early, the 3 babies are very small and weak. They spend several days in the hospital and even receive blood transfusions. The parents are still uncertain as to whether they have made the correct decision. They question whether a daughter is worth endangering the lives of their 2 other children. Luckily, the tiny babies named Rufus, Henry, and Pearl become stronger every day.

When the whole family can finally return home weeks later, the joy is immense. Even the 3 older brothers are overjoyed at the sight of their little siblings.

Together the 6 little rascals are simply heart melting!

Ideally, you'd like to cuddle all of them at once. You think you'd ever get the chance with her bigger brothers? The 2 seem to know that they must protect their younger sister.

I wish this beautiful and charming family all the best. May the triplets grow to be big and strong so that no one must think on the trying times that are now behind them. Share this news of this little miracle and share this story with everyone that you know!
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Source: http://www.hefty.co/baby-bump/1_1/