#8 She's ruining a very sacred moment for our poor main character.

#7 "ducking tranny Allison?"

#6 BURNNNNN! Game of Thrones BURN!

#5 Someone needs to get this girl a therapist.

#4 Sean responds like a level-headed adult and asks her to stop contacting him altogether.

#3 You know what really convinces people that you're not crazy, caps lock.

#2 Increasing your threats definitely doesn't make you look sane either...

#1 As a last resort, this insane girl begs for Sean to come back, but not before insulting and threatening him more. Finally, he puts an end to it by seriously challenging this crazy ex with legal consequences.

Source: http://lols.me/crazy-ex-girlfriend-sends-harassing-texts-but-he-shuts-her-down-real-quick_3612.html