See Here: Every Girl Should Know These 7 Easy Ways For A Healthy Private Part

The most common problem faced by women are v@ginal problems.

A woman facing a v@ginal problem is more likely to feel shy to share with someone your problem and even feel shy to consult a doctor.

But if you follow some healthy steps you can easily maintain your healthy v@gina.

These are just some of the right methods to deal with the v@gina and make it free of disease.

1. In order to prevent v@ginal odor, wear clothes of Cotton.

2.Always shave or wax your bottom and keep it clean.

3.To keep free from infections, wash your v@gina for at least once daily.

4. Always wash the buttocks last, so that nothing dirty go inside the v@gina

5. Wash the area between the v@ginal opening and the ^nus well.

6.Put the lower lips aside and wash around the clitoris with your fingers

7. The use of very mild soaps to wash the v@gina helps prevent infection and makes it free from disease


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